Thursday, August 14, 2008

My maid

Yes, I did hire a maid. I actually was quite opposed to the idea, but my predecessor, Kim, told me how little they make and that she would be out of a job if I didn't hire her, so.....

So, Tuesday, our first day, I came home to a spotless apartment and a scrumptious dinner in the fridge. But it didn't end there. I only have this to say:

She folded and ordered my panties!


Daniel F Schafer said...

She ordered your underwear? What does that even mean?! haha

That's cool she made you food too, that rocks the house.

Chris and Sarah said...

I WANT ONE!!! My friend is going to teach in China this next year and she has to get one too. :) (Our inservices these past few days haven't been the same w/out you!!)

Anonymous said...

Glad your underwear is in order...size or color??? I will still be at Fox but ask me how I am going to do a 6.5 and a 5 hour job in 7 hours....Randy says hi...tell Janis to skype me....Love

Laurel said...

Dinner too! You lucky dog.

Anonymous said...

Love and miss you! Sarah helped me find your blog after I told her I felt so bad for not seeing your before you left. My little whippersnappers kept me busy with baseball and soccer this summer!

Sarah told me that the made had ordered your panties. I must say I was a little freaked out at the image that came into my mind. I thought she meant she ordered you new ones...and all I could think of was 'what did she think of the old ones?' Now that I have read the posts myself I realized she ordered them as in organized them or at least I hope that is what she did:)

Glad you are having so much fun! What a wonderful experience. Debbie wants to go back too. She thinks I would love it and should go too...I know that I am too much of a scaredy pants!!!
