Thursday, August 14, 2008

Birthday day!!!!

This is a short one, but I just had to include a few pictures. Aaron shares the same birthday as my Christina. The day was a little hard for me since I was not home.... I thought of her all day long. But the evening was saved since a bunch of us went out to Harry's for a birthday dinner.

It was sooooooooooo delicious and the deliciousness started with the Mojitos we had in the bar upstairs. You may think you know how to make a Mojito, but, oh, you'd be wrong! Let me explain. Our waiters showed up with a tray of glasses with ice, mint leaves, a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of Club soda (or something like that. Not sure, not important!) Anyway. After mashing the mint, he starts pouring the vodka into the glasses. Not one finger, not two, not even half a glass. No. He fills the glass to almost full. Then he literally splashes some soda into the glass and hands it over! Wow!

Then we went to our table for one of the most wonderful meals. I ordered a ribeye with sides of asparagus and grilled tomatoes. What I actually got was a side of beef, four halves of tomato grilled to perfection, and a full plate of asparagus. Needless to say, those of us at my end of the table ate tons!!!! And I had leftovers for two days!!!!

Stephanie, John

Avon, Kim, Dahlia

Michelle, Don & Julie

It was a great night with great friends.

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