Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sunrise in the Himalayan Mountains

There is something spectacular about a sunrise.... I will always remember the special mornings I shared with my Christina on her island, and it was her I thought of as headed out for my first sunrise in the Himalayas....

We started out early, in the dark, and drove up until we could drive no further, and then we trekked.  Up, and up we went, until we reached the top of the ... hill.  (There was no snow, so the locals don't call it a mountain!)  And what I saw first is what made my Christina come to mind:

A Himalayan Sleeping Lady!

We were lucky because we still had an almost full moon to the right of us; the sun would soon rise to the left of us; and before us stood the majestic peaks ~ Even before dawn, the view was break-taking.  

It's funny how even before the sun makes its presence known, there is this bluing of the world.  Even before our 'sun watch' began, I was moved by the beauty slowing waking around me.

The next half hour was beyond words.  And beyond pictures, really.  Somehow the photographs I took just did not capture the exact colors - or the feeling - of this magnificent sunrise.  

And then, all of a sudden, there it was: the SUN!!

Even the Sleeping Lady of the Himalayas awoke with the dawn

And now just a moment to take it in, to feel the emotion that I felt as I stood there, to realize that there is so much beauty in the world if we would just take time out of our crazy lives to notice.

What better to do after such a moving morning than yoga?  So, that is what we did!

The three of us with our yogi for the morning

With such beautiful surroundings, the yoga was sensational ~

 And of course, we were then inspired to have a yoga photo op.... or several!!!!!!

Who can do that????  I could never do that!

When he told me that it was all about believing.... I gave it a try.  And I did it!!!  Well, sort of....  This is me starting to fall over - Timber!!!

I was so excited about the power of believing, and the strength of my body, that I had a little Sound of Music moment!

And it was contageoius!!!! 

Coming down, we still enjoyed some gorgeous views:

 Including a glimpse of the "mountain" we hiked over the previous day!!  See the Peace Pagoda at the top?

But, our day wasn't over yet!  After our fabulous morning, and afternoon of shopping and relaxing, we decided to top the day off with a cultural evening.  

Unfortunately this was sort of a bust. While the dancing was interesting, the food was terribly tasteless.  So..... what else could we do but -

 Head back to the Busy Bee Cafe 

and have MOMOS!!!!

Oh, almost forgot to get a photo again!!  These things are soooooo yummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, but I must say... I totally laughed out loud at your Sound of Music moment. When do you ever NOT do that?
