Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Off to Pokhara!

Finally, it was time to fly to Pokhara.  We did not know, however, that our flight would be a plane with propellers....  

After landing in Pokhara, we waited in.... baggage claim (outside) while our luggage was... transported to us!

Our hotel was the Sampada Inn ~ a lovely, family-owned hotel that was clean, comfortable, and peaceful.  In all, it was exactly the sort of place I imagined I'd find in Nepal ~

We had the penthouse room (which actually sounds better than it is, because we had to walk up the five flights of stairs!!), with a lovely patio ~

 ~ and pretty views of the neighborhood:


But the most gorgeous part of our hotel, was the view of the mountains ~ the reason we came to Nepal in the first place ~


Machhapuchhre - or Fishtail Mountain (which from this angle looks a bit like Mt. Hood!!)       

Even though it was hard to leave our gorgeous view, we headed out for a stroll through Pokhara.  Luckily for me, Diana noticed that my black shirt was somewhat... see-through in direct sunshine!  (Which explained the long stares I received leaving the hotel!) So she graciously gave me her scarf ~ whew!!

Lunch!  We found a cute little place with a view of the main street.

We saw lots of these 'lawn-mower' trucks...  very innovative!

And more cows!

Just our luck, we found our restaurant during Happy Hour!  

We opted for a taste of Nepal:  and it was DElish!!!!

But the best part of lunch was that, as we sat there enjoying the tastes of Nepal, the clouds cleared, giving us the most impressive taste of Nepal:

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