Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nice Thoughts

So, today as I was going to the store I was thinking: there are so many little things about living here that I want to tell people but they are such small things that, well, they just seen blogworthy........ And yet, in some way they are.

Like, I eat a more balanced diet here than I have ever eaten in my life! Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm eating small amounts and exercising! Hahaha! But I do eat waaaaaaaaay more fruits and veggies here than ever. And I have always loved both fruits and veggies. It's just that here they are fresh all year round. The school cafeteria serves up all kinds of goodies on its salad and fruit bars, (Yes, one of each!!) and so eating lots of salad and fruit is a piece of cake. Or, I mean!

And speaking of the cafeteria, that's another small thing that is great here. They make the food right here on sight so it is really good! And in no way 'fast food like' as we are used to in the States now. My favorite is the Ajiaco (the Bogotan soup with shredded chicken, corn, three ~ count 'em ~ three types of potatoes, some secret spice, and served with avacado and sour cream. Oh, my gosh, YUM! Of course, I try and use my lunch time as an opportunity to learn even more Spanish, so I usually learn the name of the food being served so I can ask for it, or I figure it out by myself because I have such a rich vocabulary now. I have been known to make mistakes, however.... Like the time they were serving a sort of Mexican style soup with rice, beans and/or hamburger along with grated cheese, etc. I, not thinking I needed any assistance saying 'hamburger', (I am American, after all!!!!!), told the woman that I wanted my soup with the 'hamburgesa' (the Spanish word for hamburger. Not hamburger the ground beef, mind you, but hamburger as in McD's!!!!) She sort of guffawed and served me up. It wasn't until I passed that the woman behind me explained the difference. Whoopsie!

Oh, something else that I think about lots: While Bogota is not exactly a 'beautiful' city, there are some quirky things about it that I really like. Like how the city is full of these really huge skyscrapers (mostly made of brick), but inbetween them you find these beautiful old homes. They are also made of brick and they are gorgeous! Some are still homes, some are stores, some are hotels... all are lovely in the big city of not always lovely.

And I love that the people here are so nice. Like today,going to the store.... I was in a cab and the driver was playing this beautiful classical guitar music. I started talking to him about it and asking where I could find it. He said that I couldn't buy it because it was made by his son's guitar teacher. I sad that was too bad as I would love a copy. So.......... he said that for $5000 Pesos I could have a copy and that he would drop it off with my portero's. How nice that in a city where you are constantly warned about being mugged or robbed, a guy offers to bring a CD to you just because you like it.

I can't think of any more of those things I think about ~ all the time !!!! ~ I know there are more though!!


Christina said...

Oh my goodness, I cannot wait to visit you!!!

p.s. That is a pretty spectacular CD story.=)

Rebecca's Blogger said...

Wow I wish that our school district would have all sorts of food and veggies to eat. That just sounds so good. Man u r luky. Well i love hearing how you are doing so keep posting.

Oh the deep abyss.. said...

That sounds pleasant. Sometimes people are nice... =) Only a little bit longer til Christmas huh

Anonymous said...

Man! A school cafeteria that doesn't serve crappy food is just so strange (but cool) to think about!

I liked the part about the houses too =D