Friday, July 25, 2008

Good bye.....

I have to thank you Susan, for having such a wonderful dinner for me on Sunday. I so enjoyed myself! The company was terrific, the conversation was great, and the feeling I walked away with was one of being very loved. That will help me to make this move. I am so excited, and yet I am also very apprehensive. Leaving my friends. Leaving my job. Leaving my girls.... Those are tough to do, especially that last one. But your dinner helped me to relax and I realize now that I will probably keep in closer contact via this blog and Skype than when I was home!!!!! How ironic is that?

And I am not the only one off on an adventure. Even though it is sad that we aren't going together, I know that April and I will have many similar, and sometimes horrifying! experiences, and we, too, will share these times with each other and everyone at home. Fun times. That is what I am ready for. I am packed and ready to get started on this grand adventure!!!!

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