Saturday, April 15, 2017

Uganda ~ Wildlife Center in Entebbe

First, a few glimpses of Uganda ~

A Weaver bird's nest!!

We even drove by some schools.  It was so interesting to see information painted on the walls - Anchor charts with no paper!

When one of our new friends on the chimpanzee trek suggested we go to the "zoo" in Entebbe, I was a little hesitant. I had visions of some sad affair where the animals were held in atrocious conditions. But she insisted, so we took a chance. Turns out, it's actually a Wildlife Center which was started as an animal rescue for injured animals. And it was just one more incredible experience on this amazing journey to Uganda.

It was a bit out of Kampala, but finally we arrived at the Wildlife Center ~

Yes, we ARE reading to feed all the animals!!!!!

This female lion had a broken back when they got her. Both she and the male lion are fine, but not healthy enough to be released into the wild. 

Oh. My. Gosh!! A thrilling, yet terrifying experience!
 (note: there was someone with me just out of shot)

And then we met Charlie :)


      Dinner time!!! Yowza!

Uganda was beautiful. Everything about it was wonderful and exciting, and it touched me in ways I cannot describe in words. I was grateful for the time we had left before our flight. Relaxing and reliving this memorable journey with a view of Lake Victoria was exactly what I needed.

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