Sunday, June 26, 2016

Simba Rock!

No rest for the weary!  Although we had no safaris planned, David did have plans for us.  Off we went in search of Baobab trees and....Simba Rock!!!!

We drove off into the hinterlands, survived a stop by the police (that's a whole other story, and requires a great deal of wine to tell!!!!!), went off-road, hopped out, and..... found one!

 The Baobab trees are huge and very unusual.  They look like they are upside down - roots reaching for the sky.  

Of course, I was taken by all the flora and fauna all around us ~

Our view as we hiked up ~

Made it to the top!


Okay, so the angle of the photo isn't great, but if you tilt your head you can probably hear me, errr, Mufasa claiming all the lands before him for his son....  Well, that was the motivation ~

A good friend love's you regardless of your craziness!

 Now for the decent ~


Uh-oh - There seems to be a HUGE termite hill in the way!!!

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