Friday, November 2, 2012


One last good-bye breakfast in our lovely garden ~ hugs given ~ farewells said,

and it's off to Katmando!

I was hopeful that arriving in Katmandu during the day, and seeing it clearly, would help me to find more about the city to appreciate.  Unfortunately, it looked much the same as I remembered....

But that did not deter us!  We made our way, with the help of a very sweet taxi driver, to the very popular Swayambhunath, or Monkey Temple ~

There really were monkeys, although not very many

It was very crowded, and more like a village than a sacred ground.  But interesting none-the-less.

And there was a terrific view of Katmando from our perch!

After making one last purchase - a painting of the face of Buddah - we returned to our taxi driver, who had waited patiently for us at the bottom of the hill, and decided to try what the Lonely Planet claimed to be "the best Mo mos" in Nepal.

They are made in a little family-run establishment which turned out to be a cute little get-away right in the middle of the city.

Hearing the traffic below, along with some music and the chatter of people, we anxiously awaited these 'best' mo mos....

They looked good.  And they tasted okay too.  But the best?  Not true.  Take our word for it ~ while these may have been the best mo mos in Katmandu, they did not come close to the perfection we tasted in Pokhara!

Nice and full from lunch, we headed out to see more sights of Katmandu.  

Our first mall in Nepal!  ;)

Finally we made it to Durbar Square, the ancient city center, so to speak, containing palaces of previous kings along with temples and courtyards ~ quite impressive.

Before venturing further into the square, we took a little detour down Freak Street, an old hippy part of the city ~


Nothing like Freak St. for some one stop shopping....

Back in the center of this old square, we marveled at the architecture ~ stunning!

Fantastic afternoon ~

We still had a few hours to wait before our flight home, so we decided to stop by the Garden of Dreams where we could relax and read for a while.

Although small, this little garden is very pretty.  

It was weird being in such a beautiful, should-be-peaceful setting, but still being bombarded with the traffic/city noise from outside the wall.

All in all, my trip to Nepal was definitely a memorable one!  I will be going back, but next time I am going to take a yoga trek through the Annapurnas!!  (And skipping Katmandu altogether.)

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