Monday, February 13, 2012

50 won't be that bad....

This is the year.  This is the big one.  The really big one!  And the only reason I will survive is because I have been preparing myself for almost a decade!!!  Turning 40 almost killed me.  Not because I felt old, or because I was in failing health, but simply because I never saw it coming.  I was NOT going to make the same mistake with 50.  So as soon as I was able to think clearly again, I started preparing myself.  For the last two years I have been telling people who asked my age,"I'm almost 50."  And you know what?  I think it worked.  Here I am ~ turning 50 ~ and I am not really phased by it.  Well, maybe a little.  I have decided that it is stupid that we mark our age in years.  What does that number tell us???  

Luckily I have a wonderful family that keeps me grounded but also gives me wings!  I have delightful friends who share in my exuberance for life, and who are willing to go out and celebrate it with me!  And this year, I spent my birthday with these good friends at a karaoke club! 

Oh we girls were quite amazing.... or at least some of us were!  The gentlemen were, without a doubt, much better, though!

What a hoot!!  I have not laughed that much in such a long time!  Thank you, all of you!

But as much fun as it was spending time with friends, I also needed some time to take care of me.  To sort of 're-group', as it were.  To take inventory of my life and set new goals for the future.  And what better place to do that than at a gorgeous hotel in Oman!  So off I went to (almost) Muskat for a weekend of pampering!

I had a lovely pool and long, peaceful stretch of beach ~ just what I needed for relaxing!  The beach was actually covered in these large (and teeny, tiny) shells!  So pretty and perfect for beach combing ~

I was not alone, however...  little birdie foot prints gave away the other guests ~

And then there were the crabs!!  So many of them, and so white... I've never seen white crabs before.  Kind of creepy, but fun to chase down the shoreline!

 I loved the sun and the peace.  This is exactly the way I wanted to spend my birthday ~


Today I am 50.  No, I'm not in the best shape of my life, but I am working to stay fit, I enjoy life, I am happy.  I don't feel the way that I think 50 should feel.  I feel joyous!  I feel lucky!  I feel thankful!  I feel full of life!!!!  

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