Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Kosraean New Year!!

I know that bigger is not always better, but you know how you think that if you go to a big New Year's party it will be tons of fun, and if you are only going to a small affair it will be.... well, subdued?  Well, I am on the island of Kosrae, total population of a large party, and Christina and I had plans to spend New Year's at Bully's with the other World Teach volunteers.  A small affair.  I didn't mind, because I was just so happy to be there with my Christina!!!  Little did I know that a small affair can be BIG fun!!!!  (My apologies in advance for the fuzzy pics ~ not sure if it was the champagne, the dark, or just plain old user-error!!!!)

Maria, the lovely Italian half of the hotel/restaurant's proprietors, planned a delectable Italian menu ~ scrumptious!!!!!

Yes, that is real Italian homemade lasagna!!  Yummy!!!!

And there was even entertainment ~ wish I had captured the island dancing on video (did I mention there was vino served with dinner?)

We even took part in the Bully's annual traditional Scavenger Hunt of sorts (if you had the item or answer on your person, you won!!).  Christina and I both won various questions, but the most frustrating was "does anyone here have stitches?" (a question clearly ear-marked for my darling daughter) because just that morning, Christina had her stitches removed so that she could start the new year stitch-free!!!!!!!!  

After dinner and games, there was dancing!

Shortly before midnight, coconuts were passed out to all of the guests.  We weren't sure what to do, but the locals informed us that on the stroke of midnight we were to crack the coconuts on our heads! (or against each other) to celebrate the coming of 2012!!!!!  

Happy New Year to all my dear friends and family!!!!

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