Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Birthday Party

So my friend, Diana's birthday was coming up and, as with most of us, she wanted to celebrate it with friends. But cake and ice cream was not exactly what she had in mind! No, Diana wanted to get fired up ~ on a firing range. That's right ~ a group of crazy girls went shooting!!!!

So we loaded up the wagon and headed to a range out in Sharja.

Now, while odd, this sort of event may not have worried most of you. But for me, it was near terrifying ~ although not for the reasons you might think.

My dad is a marksman. He has been target shooting since, well, I don't know since when.... But I know that he had me shooting with him since I fit in his lap. And as a young person I was a pretty good aim.

When we got to the range, we were asked if we needed lessons or not. Five of us opted for lessons, but before I could think it through, my mouth claimed that I didn't need any...

But the thing is ~ the last time I fired a gun of any sort was something like 25 years ago!!!!

We paid for our time (and lessons) and were led to the range. All of the other girls were taken up to the firing line. I had to wait on the couches. Behind glass. Watching as they had their lesson.

I was nervous beyond belief! What was I thinking????? Why didn't I opt for lessons???? As I sat there, I had visions of me not knowing how to switch off the safety. Or not knowing how to remove the clip. Or not having an arm steady enough to hit the broad side of the barn. As I sat there I was nervous beyond belief. Because I didn't want to let my dad down.

Eventually the man tapped on the glass signalling that it was okay for me to come on back. I went in with a knot in my tummy. I walked up to the .22 he had laid out for me. I picked up the clip, loaded 5 bullets (his direction), popped in the clip, and switched off the safety. This was it. I turned sideways to the target, raised my arm, took a deep breath and released it as aimed, and fired. Five times. Then the man brought the target back for us to inspect.

Success!!! All in the black, and one even dead center!

The man gave an approving nod. Whew!!!! All the tension evaporated and I had fun as I fired the remaining rounds. At one point, the man asked me if I shot in competition. When I informed him that this was the first time I had fired in over 20 years, but that my daddy had taught me, he could not hide his admiration. I felt so proud. I guess some things you just never forget! Thanks, Dad.


Christina said...

Cute story. Did you share it with Opa?

Kathy said...

Just via skype ~ I may have to tell them that I have updated my blog... they probably gave up on me since I have been so bad at blogging!