Beth, Jennifer, a visiting professor, and I took a drive (thank you, Beth) almost out to Chia to an interesting hacienda where you can dine and enjoy a show at the same time.
The horses are magnificent and graceful, as they work their teeny prancing steps.
But there were more than just horses at the restaurant. Here is an adorable baby llama:
And the cutest little baby goats:
And this 3-day old colt!!!!
But we sure couldn't miss this mother........... sheep!
We didn't only have the company of animals on this bright and beautiful day. We also enjoyed some amazing dancers. First they did their version of the American cowboy:
Then, dressed in typical Cartagena costume, they swirled and spun:
But probably the favorite (especially among the male guests) was the Brazilian number:
The afternoon was so hot, we even had a cameo by Michael Jackson!
(Not so much our favorite number.... Michael, you are missed!)
The favorite entertainer of the day, however, was this 'hottie' Mariachi singer (sorry, Beth!!):
We even had our faces painted!
What, you might be wondering, does one order in such a restaurant?
Beef, of course! (Notice there are no pics of moo-moos......!)
There are hazards to dining in a restaurant where animals are walking around:
Which is why these are always the right choice!
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