I arrived in Fairfield just in time to go to dinner and you know what? It was like we had never been separated. The conversation was easy and lighthearted. There were hugs and laughter ~ just like old times!
Me with Kevin ~
Jamey and me ~
Dana and her hubby, Bruce ~
Mary and Dawn Marie ~
The next day, we decided to head on out to the old stomping grounds: Vanden High School. Wow ~ still the same, and yet so different!
Kevin, Jamey, me, Vic, and Dana in the office (they were sooooo happy to meet us and talk about old times!!)
We even found our class picture on the wall:
Funny how some things never change. Even though it had been years since they had seen each other and they live in different states, Jamey and Kevin were still a hoot!!!!
After visiting the old alma mater, we went to dinner at a great Mexican restaurant in town. It was fun meeting up with even more friends from long ago.
Mike and me ~
The guys in the bar: Vic, Kevin, Bruce, and Jamey
Me and Mike Mahoney ~
John and me ~
But what we were all waiting for was the 'real' reunion party Saturday night! What an absolute blast!
Bruce, Dana, Kevin, me, and Jamey ~
Kevin and me ~
My history teacher, Mr. Weikert, and me!!
Me, Jamey, Carol, Kevin, and Karen ~
And the highlight of the night for me......... a photo op with Jimmy Stewart!! Yes, I mean THE Jimmy Stewart: the greatest basketball player and receiver that our school (or the world) ever saw!!!!!!!!!
Of course that was followed with tequila shots!! Woo-hoo!
Vera, Jamey, and Leonard ~
Dennis, me, and Carol ~
Me with Greg ~
Tracy ~
Greg and Kevin being goofy!!
What a wonderful night with great friends ~
Wait, one more time for real this time:
Thanks to everyone who made this weekend possible and double thanks to those who made me feel so very comfortable. I had a great time and am happy to have reconnected, and connected, with wonderful people.
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