So, I was feeling better after my weekend with a stomach bug, and I was finally hungry. I walked to Carulla for some groceries and came home to make tunafish. Sounds kind of ordinary, but here in Colombia nothing is just ordinary. I figured out why the US has an obesity problem ~ everything we have/do/make is HUGE! Like tuna fish. At home I would buy the big can of fancy albacore tuna (probably 80oz.!!!!), my super huge and yummy kosher dills, and big fat red onion and go to town. Well here.... things are different, as I said:

Yup, that is the can of tuna (I had to use two) and those are actually real vinegar pickles (not sweet), and that is a red onion.... (use the fork for perspective).
However, just when I thought everything here came in miniature, I pulled out the carrots(refer to said fork for perspective)!
Seems as though they actually grow things naturally down in Colombia (as in not genetically modified). Though that doesn't explain the carrot, but it is shorter than a "normal" one. Now I'm curious to see what other Colombian produce looks like.
That carrot is funny looking haha
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