There was even our very own mermaid offshore!
The island was so pretty; a real paradise.
We didn't have the best room on the island... but that just gives us more to talk about later!!!!
The views from the island more than made up for it, though. The water was CRYSTAL clear ~ just gorgeous. The different hues of blue/turquoise/green have to do with whether or not there is sea grass growing. The sand is white and beautiful.
And relax we did! We played in the water, read, and tried to deflect the vendors! Yup, that's right, there were people who came to this itty bitty island and just hung out trying to sell necklaces, hair braids, bracelets, shrimp.... It was pretty uncool.
And there were the cutest crabs on the coral around the island. Christina especially loved them! And lots of birds ~ some liked to steal leftovers during mealtimes!
My favorite past time on the island was snorkling! Christina and I donned masks and flippers and we went on a tour of a nearby reef. (Jennifer didn't have her contacts with her and the mask didn't work over her glasses. She seemed very content to lay on the beach and read though.) The coral was so gorgeous even though sometimes we were afraid that we would scrape our tummies on it when the waves pulled us through the water! And the fish were totally awesome! They were all different colors and shapes ~ it was like watching the Discovery Channel, only through my mask!!! The man who rented us the equipment took a liking to us, or at least our enthusiasm, and he let us keep everything for the whole time we were there. I loved it!!
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