We also spent time on the other side of the island. The water was 'rougher' as that is the side the waves hit directly, but it was more private and gorgeous.
We even had the chance to head out to an aquarium for Jennifer. It was totally worth the trip! We saw some bull sharks. Okay, not really bull sharks, but that is what I thought when I saw them. They were reddish in color and they sucked up their food like vacuum cleaners! Yup, we saw those sharks eating and there was a brave bird who actually stood on top of them to steal fish!!! BRAVE!!!!
There were turtles
and I loved this blue-eyed fish. It kept tipping sideways to peek at us.
And they had rays, including this really really really long one. Very strange.
Almost as strange as the fish that circled for food!
Jen's favorites were the dolphins!
But just when we thought our time on the island all about relaxation and quiet.....
I had a near death experience!!!!
Yes, that's right. I went out for one last snorkle, to say goodbye to the coral and the fish and just as I was trying to get really close to these really cool needle-nose fish..... BANG! Or rather STING STING STING!!! I felt this stinging sensation all up my left arm. I swam to the steps and climbed out, telling the concierge about what happened. He sent me to the kitchen area where a wonderful woman poured vinegar over my wounds.
Whew! I survived. We did decide at that point, however, to spend the rest of the day in the shade.
And we weren't the only ones. Several of the peddlers were taking a time out as well.
And then it was time to go. We had one last toast at the bar to say farewell,
took in the views once more,
and were sent on our way by a friendly toucan.