Luckily, Octavius wasn't waiting as I emerged from the bank and walked down the street to my emerald guy. It's a weird feeling, walking in Colombia after having taken some money out of your account. All the horror stories you've heard come to mind and you find yourself clutching your purse hard to your side as you race down the sidewalk trying to look menacingly at all who pass.
I made it safely, though, and found that the treacherous journey was worth it. I LOVE Colombia!
Of course, I had to call another cab to get my precious jewels home (I was lectured on the foolishness of wanting to wear my emeralds out in public by a very old, but elegant woman (mother of my emerald guy) who entertained me as I waited for my ride. This trip was uneventful, thankfully, and I was able to get upstairs and hide away my loot.
Next on my agenda was a trip to the "barrio"! Let me back up a bit. Picture me on the couch, ankle propped at the appropriate angle, and three workers in my house fixing a leaky toilet, plastering walls, and hanging paintings. Well, one of them, Alberto, while waiting for the plaster to dry a bit before painting, was sitting with me and took notice of my television sitting on the floor. "I know, I know," I told him. I needed to find a table for it but didn't know where to go. Well....... he apparently did know where to go. (we were using Babblefish on my laptop to communicate) and he started to write down that he would take me to the barrio on the 12 of October to get a table. I couldn't figure out why we had to wait for October, and when I asked him he explained that, no no, not the month ~ Octobre was the name of the street in the barrio. Ah....... Well, I was excited that he knew where to go and, even more that he was willing to take me. I was not, however, excited that we were going to the barrio.
You see, 'the barrio' is what the gringos call the area to the south of me that is poor and run down and in which you WILL get mugged should you be there at the wrong time (any time!). So you can see why I was nervous. On the other hand, Alberto was a tall (relatively), young Colombian who, for all I knew lived in the barrio. So I agreed.
Well..... turns out that 'barrio' simply means 'neighborhood'!!!!!!!! My friend Sheila explained this to me when I told her about my very exciting trip. Whew! Well, she was right, and Alberto and I along with Arlet (my maid) and Aaron all hopped in a cab and headed for the furniture district, which it turns out is open all the time, not just on the 12 of October!
We walked the streets for two hours looking for the perfect table for my tv and finally, at the last store (.... okay, I know how that sounds, but seriously we said "this is the last store") I found the perfect table. It is simple, with a shelf for the direct tv box and my beautiful digital picture frame, and most importantly, it was CHEAP! Alberto and I are going to pick it up on Friday after school. I can't wait!
Haha, I like the title of this blog.
Yay for Emerald jewerly. Buy more loot!
Man.. you have written a ton of these. Raymon would approve of your animated story telling. And, as everyone says.. it sounds like you are having a great time there. My teacher sent me home today like 10 minutes after I got there, because I sound worse today than I did yesterday (I have a small cold and cough). I honestly feel fine for having a cold, but well.. who am I to deny a very insistent woman about taking a day off?
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