On July 23, 2018 my dear friend Kelly adopted an amazing little boy, Gideon Daniel Encheng (b. Dec. 26, 2015). Although we met via Skype, it wasn't until April 2019 that I was able to meet Gideon in person on the beautiful island of Bali.

Watching Kelly with her son was so heart-warming. She is loving and patient and, well, mothering. <3 boy="" font="" gideon="" is="" lucky="" nbsp="" one="">3>
He was a little shy, so we spent lots of time playing side by side in the pool and on the beach. We went together to learn about batik ~
Watching Kelly with her son was so heart-warming. She is loving and patient and, well, mothering. <3 boy="" font="" gideon="" is="" lucky="" nbsp="" one="">3>
It was so hard not to just scoop him up and hug him, but I held off. Finally my patience paid off ~ What an absolute cutie-pie!!!!!!