This summer was sure to be crazy! So much to do, and only a summer in which to do it!!
First stop, Washington State, where I caught up with dear friends and former students, and purged our family storage unit.
My incredibly generous hosts~!!! |
Pierogi Time!
But as much fun as I was having seeing friends and eating favorite foods, I was here for a job: to purge our family storage unit. And my oh my, it was quite a job!
But, somehow, I did it!!

What helped me get through this? Reconnecting with friends, for sure! But also, I called a lovely woman I found in the yellow pages, telling her that "I need a little beauty in my life during this time." And so I spent my evenings painting!!!

Well, some of the paint got onto the canvases ~
Additionally, I retreated to the Nature to find peace
and enjoy the beauty in the world.
Most of my summer was joyfully spent with my darling Jennifer & Matt in Colorado!!

We took lots of walks under the gorgeous Colorado sky ~
Look what we found!!
I couldn't get over the countryside, whether we were taking a drive to Boulder or just driving around Broomsfield, where they live ~

And then there was the day that these two sweethearts tried to walk me to the ends of the earth!!! Yowza, what a hike!!!
Leading the pack!
Are we there yet? |

Deer and ... mountain goats!
No, really, I'm fine ~
Luckily, I spotted the parking lot and was able to lead our pack out of the wilderness and back to safety! Close one.
Meeting up with my sweet friend, Christina, was a welcome respite! It was wonderful catching up and learning all about her new life. She lives in a beautiful part of Houston, and I enjoyed walking around her neighborhood, soaking up even more greenery.
It was a short visit, though, as I was on my way to California to spend time with my family.
Waiting for my visa paperwork to be processed in Beverly Hills, I headed for the beach for some sunshine ~
The last stop on this crazy summer journey was Washington D.C.
I have been to D.C. before and I remember having such a swell of pride in my nation. Not this time. Honestly, I didn't want to leave my hostel. I am ashamed that my country elected such a horrible human being to the office of presidency.
But I did have to go out in order to finish my paperwork. While I had to walk by the White House - around which is being erected a solid, tall wall....
So, while waiting, I chose to see things that would restore my faith.