Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Little Old-World Action ~

This weekend Vilnius had even more to offer!  In the main square here in Old Town, there was an exhibition of the crafts, dances, and food from the days of yore.  The handiwork was quite impressive ~ how did we ever survive??? And the clothing - lots of linen - was beautiful!

Some dancers ~

Making soap

For my Game of Thrones friends!
A good sport!

And all done with natural dyes


My New Neighborhood ~

No pictures of the new apartment yet, but I did time my walk from there to my school - 4 minutes (I think I can walk that in -20degrees...).  Here are some snapshots of my new neighborhood:

 This is at the little pub halfway between my place and the school.  It's located on the Vilnia River.

The Mermaid of the Uzupis

My new apartment is located in a 'suburb' called Uzupio (or Uzupis), which means, "the place beyond the river".  So I have to cross this bridge on my way to and from school or the Old Town of Vilnius.  Uzupio is the artsy part of town.  It's quiet and is the home of many artisans (and fewer tourists).

Here are some of the sights I see on my way to school:

I think I will like it here ~

Friday, August 16, 2013

And now, on to the next Great Adventure: Vilnius, Lithuania!!!

My international teaching adventure continues as I move on to an IB school in Vilnius, Lithuania!  It seems right, somehow, to be coming to Europe at this time in my life.  It's sort of like coming home, and that is something that I desperately need right now.  

Of course, eastern Europe is new to me, and that means plenty of new sights, sounds, and excitement!  Here is a a peek at my first glimpse of this lovely city:

Yes, I could be in trouble here ~

This is the coolest thing:  You can rent these bikes to ride around town, and the first half hour is free!

Monday, January 7, 2013