The end of an era is upon us ~ The Harry Potter series became a mainstay for us 'girls', beginning with the first book and now ending with the last movie.
I have the fondest memories of waiting eagerly for the release of the next book, only to then have to wait until both my Jennifer and Christina finished reading it before I was allowed to get my hands on it! But no one ever gave anything away, waiting patiently (or not so much so!) for me to finish before we all talked non-stop for days about what happened and what we predicted for the next book! I can't lie ~ a tear is falling down my cheek as I recall those memories....
And now, here we are: the end of an era. And the only poopy part is that, after all these years, Christina will not be with us for the release of this last movie. But no worries ~ she and Jennifer came up with a great plan: a Harry Potter Marathon, complete with delicacies from each book, that will rival any premier!

Movies 1 & 2 were watched in the same evening as the kick off to our marathon! From HP and the Sorcerer's stone and HP and the Chamber of Secrets, we enjoyed Paddington Burgers with onions and boiled potatoes with herbs. And of course we finished off the meal with Harry's first birthday cake, complete with messy green fondant writing!

From HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, we delighted in crumpets & butter with Mulligatawny. Our dessert was homemade chocolate pudding ~ yum!

While watching HP and the Goblet of Fire, we enjoyed Cornish pasties and custard creams!

HP and the Order of the Phoenix called for bangers & mash with onion gravy. Dessert was a berry crumble served with the most fantastic custard!!!

For the chilling HP and the Half-blood Prince we savored a Chiddingly hot pot, Hagrid's rock cakes, and a piping hot apple tart ~

And for HP and the Deathly Hallows we topped our marathon off with: Kreacher's French onion soup, feta-tomato and chicken-mushroom Vol-au-vents, and a delightful almond-ginger-peach-treacle tart!

Comfy on the couch, we readied ourselves for the grand finale!

And what a finale it was! Of course, it all began with a wait.... Luckily I had company ~

And by 6:00 we were all there, waiting for the midnight show!

And in case our snacks ran out, there was even a Hogwart's Express food cart!

And we sure weren't bored. We had snacks. We had games to play. And there were so many characters to see!
Students from Hogwart's, including this Ravenclaw and Huffelpuff girls ~

Fred & George were there ~

Some were in groups, like this one with Bellatrix (you are not seeing double!), Molly Weasley, Hermione, and Professor McGonnagall ~

And some were alone (sort of...), like Professor Quirrell ~

Of course, Fleur made a showing ~

Followed closely by Viktor ~

Of course dear, sweet, if 'explosive', Seamus showed up ~

But no Harry Potter premier would be complete with out a few Deatheaters!

However, my favorite is always the clever and overly prepared Hermione!!!

Time to settle back and enjoy the show!!!!

We all love you, Christina <3