I am so excited that I have finally taken a step toward one of my life-time goals. Painting. I have always wanted to pursue painting; let the inner artist escape! And here, in Bogota, I have finally taken the first step.
One day, walking through Usaquen, the little township that now belongs to Bogota proper, some friends and I came across a little art studio. And I signed up for lessons right then and there. I have been to four classes so far and I am loving it!!! Gavi and Clarita are so wonderful. Gavi is the maestro and she doesn't speak any English. Clarita is her sister and she speaks a little. It's fun spending my three hours with them because it's not only a painting lesson, but a Spanish lesson as well. Not to mention just a good time with girls!

My first day I only worked with pencil and charcoal. She made me just draw lines the first hour I was there. Straight lines, curved lines, zigzag lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines.... you get the idea. Then I had to look for images in the lines, kind of like looking for pictures in the clouds.

I love charcoal!!!! I loved working with my fingers, shading and contouring. I loved watching the black lines on the paper transform into three dimensional shapes. That I made! Way cool.

But finally, I was allowed to paint.

Now that was fun!!! And frustrating, when things didn't turn out on canvas the way I saw them in my head. But I stuck with it and today, I finally finished. There are things I wish I could have done differently, but overall, I have to say, I sort of like it. Gavi helped me so much ~ I love learning with her!